Sunday, May 6, 2012

Italian Pretzels

The first Saturday in May is a promise from a present-day heart to a hopeful future.  It can mean spring looking to summer, it can mean exams leading to graduation, it can mean a beautiful white dress chosen for a very special day.  This recipe was inspired by Nancy Danese's recipe: 'Mark's Favortie Pepperoni Rolls'.  Mark graduated from the University of Dayton today.  Way to go, Mark! The less-romantic inspiration was my husband Lee, wondering when the heck I was going to make the pretzels I've been promising him since I took a class about it in the spring of 2009.
2 1/2 teaspoons of active dry yeast
3 1/2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
3 cloves garlic, finely minced
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1 1/4  cup bread flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cups more-or-less of water
1/3 lb pepperoni, diced
1/2 cup baking soda
1 level Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon salt
Pretzel salt, oregano, basil and parmesan for sprinkling
In a small saucepan, slowly melt butter with garlic. In the larger bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the hook attachment, dissolve yeast with 1/4 cup of the water, warmed. Add the 1 Tablespoon of sugar to the yeast after about 2 minutes or more of 'blooming'.
In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk together all flours and 1 Tablespoon of salt. After yeast has had 10-15 minutes to foam and feel bubbly, put flour in bowl and slowly start to mix.  Add cooled garlic butter and 2 Tablespoons olive oil. Mix on medium speed until the dough is smooth and elastic, approx 10 minutes. Using the other 2 Tablespoons of olive oil, grease a large bowl where dough can rise. Cover with plastic wrap, and let rise until doubled in size.
Turn risen dough out onto a lightly floored work surface. Divide dough into 1-2 oz portions. Roll pieces of dough into log-shaped strips using the palms of your hands. Flatten into rectangles, then spread pepperoni across each piece before rolling it back up. Twist into a pretzel shape, and place on a baking sheet for the second rise (15 minutes or so)  In a large stockpot, boil water and add 1/2 cup of baking soda.  Submerge each pretzel and boil for 30 mins per side.  Remove with slotted spoon, and transfer to cooling rack.  Immediately sprinkle with salt, parmesan, basil and oregano.  Bake in 425* oven for 15-18 minutes until cooked to a deep golden brown.

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